The 5 Best Office Chairs Under $300 in 2024

True Score Methodology



Reviews Analyzed

Updated Apr 22, 2024 11:07 AM

The best office chairs under $300 should be comfortable for a long working day. But when buying your next one, you should know there is a problem of low quality or fake expert reviews. 91% of reviewers don’t actually test the office chairs and as a result you might end up buying the wrong one. That’s why we verify each of our 31+ office chairs as certified tested and shortlist the best 5 based on our True Score, a product rating system based on actual test data, expert and customer ratings.

Here are the top 5 best office chairs under $300 from $79-$209 for any budget and use. For those seeking the ultimate in ergonomic design and comfort regardless of price, explore our selection of the best office chairs.

How Did We Rank the Best Office Chairs Under $300?

While we leveraged data from 200+ trusted sites, there was not enough testing data available to produce a guide that builds off important test criteria like the actual angle of recline or actual seat height maximum, so our guide instead is based on an important specification and leans on our True Score system to highlight the best possible products. When you shop through our links, you’re backing our mission. Dive deeper to see how.

🛠️ Minimum Specifications

  • Must be less than $300

Latest Updates

  • 04/22/2024: Published the list of best office chairs under $300 based on our True Score system.

Top Office Chairs Under $300 For 2024

Prices accurate at the time of publishing

See how we test the testers

To qualify for our selection, an office chair must be under $300. The chairs are then sorted based on our True Score system.

  • Runner Up

    Best Value

    Best Budget

    gr recommended award

    Best Mid-Range

    AmazonBasics Low-Back Chair

    • Best For Under $300

    Ideal for budget-conscious users, the AmazonBasics Low-Back Chair combines simplicity, functionality, and comfort, making it a versatile choice for both office work and casual use.

    AmazonBasics Low-Back Chair Review →

    True Score





  • Runner Up

    Best Value

    Best Budget

    gr recommended award

    Best Mid-Range

    Nypot Premium Ergonomic Kneeling Chair

    • Best For Armless

    The Nypot Kneeling Chair’s unique design enhances posture and reduces back pain in space-limited settings, though it may not suit all preferences.

    Nypot Premium Ergonomic Kneeling Chair Review →

    True Score





  • Runner Up

    Best Value

    Best Budget

    gr recommended award

    Best Mid-Range

    BestOffice Ergonomic Desk Chair

    For under $300, the BestOffice Chair combines affordability with crucial ergonomic features for comfort and posture, making it a versatile choice for work and beyond.

    BestOffice Ergonomic Desk Chair Review →

    True Score






    Did you know 91% of Office Chair reviewers are untrustworthy?

    Our research found only 9 of 97 office chair reviewers as of April 2024 can be trusted. This is why Gadget Review is committed calculating the most accurate product scores on the web.

    To do this, we give every office chair review site a Trust Score, which measures how trustworthy the site and their testing claims are. We then leverage AI & a machine learning model to combine and calculate the Trust Score with data from experts and consumers to deliver the True Score, the web’s most accurate product quality rating.


    Office Chair Reviews Analyzed


    Total Products Analyzed

  • Runner Up

    Best Value

    Best Budget

    gr recommended award

    Best Mid-Range

    Kerdom Breathable Mesh Office Chair

    • Best For Big And Tall

    Ideal for extended work sessions, the Kerdom Mesh Chair offers breathable and ergonomic support with versatile features for diverse settings despite being the priciest on our list.

    Kerdom Breathable Mesh Office Chair Review →

    True Score







    For those who alternate between sitting and standing, the best standing desk chair or best kneeling chair can improve posture and comfort. For active sitting that promotes alignment, consider the top ergonomic stool. Understanding the task chair vs office chair distinction is key for those needing enhanced mobility in dynamic work settings.

    Dealing with issues like how to get cat pee out of office chair can be challenging. If you have a specific budget, there arereliable chairs for under $500. The best office chair for a short person offers proper ergonomic support, and the best seat cushion boosts comfort in any seat.

  • Runner Up

    Best Value

    Best Budget

    gr recommended award

    Best Mid-Range

    Modway Articulate Ergonomic

    For larger individuals seeking ergonomic comfort without overspending, the Modway Articulate is a top pick among sub-$300 chairs. It blends robust support with superior adjustability.

    Modway Articulate Ergonomic Review →

    True Score






    Category Snapshot

    Office Chairs

    • Total Brands/Products Tested

      17 Brands, 31 Products

    • Top 2 Brands

      Steelcase, Herman Miller

    • Price Range (Budget-Premium)


    • Average True Score


    • Important Criteria

      Adjustable Lumbar Support

      Tilt/Recline Angle

    • Most Trusted Testers

      office chair top trusted testers

    • Top Office Chair Experts

      Hayley Thomas, Jenny McGrath

    • Typical Warranty

      1-2 years

Our Approach to Evaluating Office Chairs Under $300

We’ve redefined office chair buying guides, setting us apart from any other site on the planet. Our unique approach normally uses a comprehensive dataset from trusted sites, aggregating testing data to help know what chair you should buy. Sometimes, however, there just isn’t enough testing data – or any data at all.

When it comes to office chairs under $300, we don’t have a lot of testing data to go off of, so we turn to using purely our True Score system to lead the way in identifying the best possible products. We’ve also included some important spec data that will help you better make a decision on a chair that not only fits your budget, but also your body.

Our Trusted Data Sources

We looked at 95+ office chairs reviewers and while 9 are trustworthy (60%+ Trust Score), we only use data from the testers that are “very trusted” which means a Trust Score above 70%. The three we have listed below are our most trusted for office chairs.

  1. Jenny McGraths – Business Insider, MuckRack, Twitter
  2. Benjamin Hickok – TechGearLab
  3. Ciprian Adrian Rusen – Digital Citizen, LinkedIn

Interested in a comprehensive analysis of our data sources? We’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find a detailed list of every office chair review website we’ve identified, organized by their respective Trust Scores from highest to lowest. But we didn’t stop there. We’ve meticulously reviewed each publication and verified the data by checking whether the authors have bio links to MuckRack or LinkedIn. We’re committed to not only checking the facts but ensuring their veracity.

Office Chair Spec Data

1. Weight Limit Spec Data

Manufacturers commonly provide a weight limit specification that lets you know the weight the chair will support before parts start breaking or it becomes unsafe to sit in the chair.

Higher weight limits usually reflect a more expensive chair, as more material (or stronger material) is used to improve the weight limit of the chair. For example, different pistons, or chair legs that are made of metal instead of plastic.

Weight Limit (in pounds; higher is better)

2. Seat Width Spec Data

Seat width is a manufacturer-provided measurement that indicates how wide the actual seat of the chair is.

Width is largely preferential, with the best seat width being the one that best suits your body. Buying a chair with an extremely wide seat might be uncomfortable or odd if you have a narrow frame, while extremely narrow seats are uncomfortable or impossible to sit in if you’re wide.

Seat Width (in inches)

3. Backrest Height Spec Data

Backrest height is a manufacturer-supplied specification, and, as the name implies, indicates how tall the backrest on a chair is.

Much like seat width, the backrest height on a chair should match your body, meaning there’s no “ideal” size. If you have a long torso, a taller back is better, but if you’re on the short side, a shorter back is better.

Max Seat Height (in inches)

Best Office Chairs Under $300: Mistakes To Avoid

  1. Compromising on Ergonomics: Prioritizing price over ergonomic features may lead to discomfort and potential health issues such as back pain or poor posture. Look for chairs with adjustable lumbar support, seat height, and armrests to ensure proper support during long hours of sitting. Additionally, for those specifically suffering from spinal discomfort, the best office chair for back pain is designed to offer enhanced lumbar and spinal support, greatly reducing the risk of chronic pain conditions.

  2. Overlooking Build Quality: Opting for a cheaper chair without considering its build quality and materials can result in a shorter lifespan and frequent replacements. Check reviews and specifications to assess durability and sturdiness. If you encounter issues with wear, such as a peeling leather office chair, learning how to fix peeling leather office chair can extend the life of your furniture and maintain its appearance and comfort.

  3. Ignoring Weight Capacity: Failing to check the weight capacity of the chair can lead to safety hazards and premature wear and tear. Ensure the chair can support your weight adequately to avoid breakage or instability. For larger individuals, the best big and tall office chairs are specifically designed to accommodate higher weight limits and provide additional space, ensuring both comfort and durability.

  4. Neglecting Adjustability: Chairs with limited adjustability may not cater to individual preferences and body types. Look for models that offer multiple adjustment options to accommodate different users comfortably. Additionally, understanding how to sit correctly in an office chair is crucial for maximizing the benefits of these adjustments, ensuring proper posture and reducing strain on your body throughout the workday.

The Best Office Chairs Under $300 Tests & Specs Compared

True Score
Maximum Recline (Degrees)
Minimum Seat Height (inches)
Maximum Seat Height (inches)
Backrest Height
Seat Depth
Seat Width
Lumbar Suppot
Adjustable Armrests

AmazonBasics Low-Back Chair

  • Best for Under $300

  • 0

  • 0

  • No Data"

  • 20.5"

  • 19"

  • 24"

  • No

  • n/a

  • n/a

  • n/a

  • 8"

  • No

  • n/a

  • 19.7"

  • 18"

  • Yes

  • Fixed

  • 0

  • 0

  • No Data"

  • 19.3"

  • 21.5"

  • 20"

  • Yes

  • Yes


Modway Articulate Ergonomic

  • Best for Under $500

  • 0

  • 0

  • No Data"

  • 22"

  • 17.5"

  • 21"

  • Yes

  • Yes


Office Chair Under $300 Questions (FAQ)

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