What Is a Gyro Navigation Robot Vacuum?

Updated: Feb 10, 2024 12:03 PM


Gone are the days of door-to-door vacuum salespeople, but that doesn’t mean you should be without the best vacuum cleaner possible. And what better way to clean than by not having to clean yourself? Many realize that the best robot vacuum cleaners save tons of time and have made the switch. However, there are different robot vacuums out there, so let’s discuss, “What is a gyro navigation robot vacuum?”

Key Takeaways_

  • A gyroscope navigation vacuum runs on light-powered rotation sensors that detect objects in its path.
  • Some models combine mapping technology with light sensors to increase cleaning accuracy.
  • Gyro robot vacuums are suitable for those who want an affordable device that doesn’t require oversight.

And our robot-vacuum coverage doesn’t stop here. We have plenty more where this came from, like our article answering why robot vacuum cleaners are expensive.

insider tip

Remove any obstructions to the brushes and wheels to increase cleaning and battery performance.

What Are Gyro Navigation Robot Vacuums?

You may have encountered a robot vacuum cleaner at a friend’s or relative’s house and wondered how it knew to move around objects, pets, and people. There are a few different types of navigation systems that robot vacuums come with to help them map out floor plans and avoid crashing into objects. Gyro navigation is one such method.

Gyro navigation uses rotating light sensors to detect any deviation in its path–whether it is a coffee table, a cat, or a chair leg. When the light path is impeded, the vacuum knows to change direction, thereby avoiding the object in its way.

STAT: The average battery life of a robot vacuum is 60 to 70 minutes. (source)

Some units use gyroscopic navigation alongside artificial intelligence to memorize patterns, meaning that your device will eventually remember floor layouts to increase cleaning accuracy. So if you get the right auto-cleaning robot vacuum, you can have a robot vacuum clean multiple rooms.

And if you are worried about your robot roaming where you’d rather it not be, don’t worry. First, read our article explaining what boundary strips are for robot vacuums and see if it puts your anxiety to rest.

Pros of a Gyro Robotic Vacuum

One of the best things about the gyro vacuum is that it runs all on its own. It’s fairly accurate and inexpensive compared to some higher-end models. No one likes to supervise their gadgets, and the light motion sensor allows you to have a vacuum robot that runs independently.


If you have a house with stairs, get a robotic vacuum with cliff sensors. Cliff sensors avoid stairs so that the machine doesn’t fall and break.

Pricewise, they are much cheaper than the top-of-the-line options. For example, gyro robot vacuums often run for under $200.

Cons of a Gyro Robotic Vacuum

The main downside to gyro navigation is that the beam of light sensors isn’t as accurate as other navigational methods, like camera-based or laser vacuums. Camera-controlled robotic vacuum cleaners are always going to be the most precise.

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