How Loud are Robot Vacuums?

Updated: Feb 10, 2024 12:47 PM


If you are new to the world of automated helper bots, you may want to know how loud robot vacuums are. Some of the best modern vacuums, after all, are premium robot vacuums, and they may not be the quietest models on the block. So how loud are robot vacuums, and what can you do to decrease the noise output? Keep reading to find out.

Key Takeaways_

  • Robot vacuums are getting quieter, motor-wise, but they are still fairly noisy in other respects, especially when compared to a regular vacuum or even a modern upright vacuum.
  • These vacuums constantly bump into items of furniture, creating a great deal of noise, depending on your floor plan.
  • To reduce the noise level of your vacuum, purchase a modern unit, keep it clean and free from pet hair, and regularly empty the waste container.

How Noisy are Robot Vacuum Cleaners?

If looking for a quiet robot vacuum, this largely depends on your individual make and model. Some motors are louder than others and offer decreased noise on certain materials. Additionally, they tend to make more noise when they are clogged, so learn how to clean a robot vacuum. Finally, automated vacuums bang into things as they work, increasing the noise, even if you have learned how long to charge a robot vacuum.

insider tip

Check the wheels when cleaning your robot vacuum, as strings and other items can muck up the waterworks.

In short, they can be noisy, as they operate on their own schedule, whereas a traditional vacuum only runs when you are behind the wheel.

Robot Vacuum Noise Reduction Tips

There are plenty of helpful tips to reduce the noise of your automated vacuum while it works tirelessly to clean your home.

STAT: Noise at typical vacuum decibel levels, around 70 decibels, isn’t enough to damage your hearing, especially because you probably won’t be running your vacuum cleaner for longer than an hour or so at a time. (source)

Empty the Waste Receptacle

Make it a regular habit to empty the waste container at regular intervals. This decreases the overall load of the robot vac, translating to reduced noise during use. Additionally, dirt and grime can muck up the motor when left unchecked, increasing the noise. Try to empty any integrated waste container every day or after each time the vacuum rolls over the floors. Some models automatically dump waste into a container that is not attached to the vacuum. In these cases, empty out that container every week or so.

Don’t Move Stuff Around

It takes a while for automated vacuums to acclimate to their immediate surroundings. In other words, it will make more noise at first before it learns the layout of your home. To keep it noise-free, refrain from moving furniture and other large objects around. If not, the vacuum will continue to bump into these items, causing some noise. Pet owners with noise-sensitive pets may want to refrain from moving furniture around constantly so their best Roomba for pet hair eventually cleans more quietly.

Clean and Maintain

Perform regular cleaning and maintenance routines to keep the robo-vac operating at peak efficiency, thus bringing the overall noise level down.

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