Remanufactured by Asurion – What Does it Mean?

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remanufactured by asurion guide

If consumers have recently received a replacement device from smartphone insurance industry giant Asurion, they may notice an odd and unique branding on the back of their phone. So, what does “remanufactured by Asurion” mean? It is Asurion’s way of showing that the phone has gone through the refurbishing or reconditioning process.

Key Takeaways_

  • Asurion sends out replacement phones that have often been professionally refurbished.
  • These phones often include a specific branding of “Refurbished by Asurion” or “Remanufactured by Asurion.”
  • Be sure to mail back your defective phone once you have received the replacement unit.

Asurion Insurance Refurbished Replacement Phones

Many replacement phones sent out by Asurion include branding “Refurbished by Asurion” or “Remanufactured by Asurion.” This branding can even be overlaid on top of the Apple or Samsung logo. This is just Asurion’s way of telling consumers that a phone or related device has been refurbished.

iphone remanufactured by asirion plan

Mobile phone insurance can potentially save you a lot of money in the event of an accident or theft. With that said, you can read our review of phones with Samsung Galaxy insurance.

Insurance Exchange Guide

Any replacement device you receive from Asurion could be refurbished or remanufactured, as stated in the service contract. It is important to know under what circumstances Asurion will issue a replacement smartphone.

It is also important to know the difference between a phone warranty and insurance in order to have comprehensive protection.

Theft or Loss

If your home is broken into and your smartphone is stolen, Asurion will issue a replacement device if your insurance plan is in good standing. This type of plan is similar to what is referred to as gadget insurance.

insider tip

One of the key advantages to buying smartphone insurance instead of an extended warranty is the fact that insurance providers tend to replace phones upon theft or loss.

The same can be said for if you simply lose your phone while out in the world. One of the key advantages of buying smartphone insurance is that insurance providers tend to replace phones upon theft or loss.

Not all plans boast this feature, however, so be sure to read the specifics of a plan thoroughly before making a purchase.

Severe Damage

If your phone has become severely damaged to the point where repairs may be too costly to undergo, Asurion could opt to instead replace the device. It can be important to understand what types of damage will warrant a full phone replacement and what would constitute a repair.

Generally speaking, cracked screens and slight water damage will send the phones for repair. If the phone is simply unresponsive and is deemed not the fault of the battery, you may be issued a newly refurbished device.

The decision as to whether to repair or replace is made at the discretion of the insurance provider. And if you have a Samsung Galaxy with a cracked screen, you can check out Sprint screen repair even if you don’t have Sprint service.

What to do with the Old Phone?

Typically, Asurion will work with your wireless carrier and arrange for a pre-paid shipping label to be sent to your home address. Just slip the phone into the packing and send it out with the mail.

Once they receive it, your account will be credited, and the insurance exchange will be complete. You will need to return the defective device within 10 to 15 days of receiving your refurbished phone.

Remanufactured by Asurion – What Does it Mean? Questions (FAQ)

How do I file a claim on my protected device?

Asurion has a robust web portal that allows for easy filing of claims. Typically, a claim must be filed within 60 days of the inciting incident.

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